Smilecon 2021
Venue: Avadh Utopia, Vapi 25th September 2021
247 registrations
Smilecon 2021
The most awaited CME programme was back with a bang on the last week of September 2021, was the first on site (Physical Gathering) breaking out from Covid-19 isolation almost after 600 plus days . Year 2021 Nadkarni Medical Foundation decided to have a new branch Dental -CME SMILECON added to its regular GP Cons (which shared latest updates & findings in the fields of medicine for General Practitioners & Family Physicians) and hence the event named as MEDICON.
Smilecon being the first year we had 247 registrations for the CME & was inaugurated by Mr. Aspi Damnia – BJP Party Daman District President & Dr Purnima Nadkarni – Director Nadkarni Medical Foundation. Registration was kept free and the entire event was sponsored by Nadkarni Medical Foundation
The show was put on by the experts in the dental fraternity DR Nilax Mufti, Dr Tapan Desai,Dr Arun Rajpara, Dr Rakesh Naik, & Dr Meet Shah.
Covering interesting topics as Everything a dentist should know about oral cancer, Unfurling Secrets of latest Dentistry etc, Essence Of Aesthetics In Modern Dentistry, Panel Discussion Implants Complication Management,’Minimally invasive implant dentistry Socket grafting live question answers to the experts was the highlight, focusing on importance of oral health care during Cancer.