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Inauguration of Sanitary Pads Vending Machine at BAPS School, Valsad

Location: BAPS Swaminarayan Vidya Mandir School, Valsad.

In association with Ladies Empower Club & JCI
Supported by Nadkarni Medical Foundation.


 “Women are powerful and beautiful entities in the world”

Today on 17th August 2023 Dr. Aditi Nadkarni MBBS, D.G.O. DE GERMANY, OBS – Gynec & IVF Specialist, (from 21st-century hospital pvt ltd, vapi ) addressed female students about Menstrual Hygiene for Teens in Inauguration of Sanitary Pads Vending Machine by BAPS Swaminarayan Vidya Mandir School, Valsad.

  • Educated girls about menstruation.
  • Create norms that see menstruation as healthy and positive.
  • Improve access to sanitary products, running water, functional restrooms, and privacy.
  • Improve care for and support by girls’ families.
  • Improve access to competent and caring health workers.

The future is WOMEN. And to keep her safety is as important as our life.

Total participants:-

JCI members – 10 person

Ladies Empower Club – 15 person

Female students of BAPS school, Valsad – 200 students.

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